Kip McKeans new International Christian Church
also know as…
The Sold Out Discipling Movement

Like in a bad movie, the monster that seemed defeated crawls out of the wreckage to have one last go. So Kip McKean is back with the International Church of Christ 2.0, cunningly named the International Christian Church aka the Sold Out Discipling Movement. Likely already prowling around a University Campus near you.
Kip McKean fell in 2001 from the International Church of Christ he started. Then, five years later, he founded the International Christian Church, which unsurprisingly has practices mostly the same as the International Church of Christ.
The International Christian Church or Sold Out Disciplining Movement is heavily recruiting university students around the world with full and part time recruiters. Learn about them and protect your friends and family.
If you are a member of this group please take a step back, read up on issues with this group, and consider your involvement prayerfully and objectively. They are not the only true church, and there is no harm in learning about their history and why people across the world are so concerned about their practices.
Read our article How Cults Work to understand how they may try to manipulate you.
Read our article about the International Church of Christ because it’s mostly the same thing.
Read this blog where exmembers recall what they experienced
ICC in New Zealand
International Christian Church
Run by Sean & Teigan Valenzuela
Meeting at 2 Freyberg Place, Auckland CBD
The International Christian Church is present on Campus’ in Auckland New Zealand.
On the site they organize recruitment meetings calling themselves “Christians In Auckland”
International Christian Church
City of Angels International Christian Church in Los Angeles
More Information to
follow as this page is updated.